Hello Everyone,
I hope you all are happy and safe. The weather has turned for the better and the course is in great shape. Jeff and his crew have done a remarkable job keeping the course in top condition with limited staff. I appreciate everyone trying to do their best keeping up with all the guidelines set by the governor. The situation is ever-changing and we will do our best to keep you up to date.
I want to thank everyone who played in last week’s member/member. We had 88 players participate and there was plenty of good golf out there. Low Gross went to the team of Dan Arvanitis and Matt Burroughs. The low net was won by Chris and Alex Stamoulis. Next up is the Half Ryan on June 6&7. We will start making tee times for the event this Saturday. Please sign up in the pro shop. This Saturday will also be the last call for the Wednesday night member 'In and Out League'. Anyone playing last year will have the first opportunity and then we will fill the remaining spots from our waitlist.
I want to remind all tournament players that you have to post all your scores yourself. If you don’t post your scores from the last event, you will be ineligible to play in the next one. If by some chance you don’t have access to a computer or smartphone we will help you out. If you don’t let us know, then we will assume you have posted it. You will need to download the GHIN app and pay your Backroom dues to have a handicap for 2020. Again, please let us know if you need any help.
If anyone is wondering if the course is busy, we are. Please use the advantage of advance tee times if you can. We are filling up every day until 6 pm. So call ahead if you want to get out. With the spacing of tee times and the fact that many people might not be working it will seem like a busy weekend every day. As many head back to work, I’m sure we will see the weekdays calm down a little. It’s great to see everyone out enjoying the fresh air.
I want to let everyone know we will be conducting a Callaway Demo Day on Monday June 1st from 8 am-12 pm. We will take half-hour appointments for this event. Our goal is to hold it outdoors but will move it inside if need be. Please call the shop to book your time.
Lastly, I wanted to mention the passing of Dan Cronin. Unfortunately, Dan had complications with a recent surgery last week. Many may remember Dan and his friendly demeanor on weekday mornings around the shop. Our condolences go out to his family. He will be sorely missed.
If there is anything I can do for anyone please let me know. I know it may look like I’m running around with my head cut off, but I always have time to say hello and help where I can.
Cory Mansfield
PGA Head Professional
Derryfield Country Club
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.